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Love Can’t Support Healthy Marriages

Love has an important role in keeping a marriage healthy. Yet, love alone isn’t enough for healthy marriages. It’s insufficient in a relationship. Marriage is an evaluation of your life capabilities and emotional skills. This is something that is important but not yet well understood by many couples. Whereas in the absence of specific to the skills of emotional can cause the condition of your household becomes less harmonious.

Since most of you lack experience in a marriage, a love isn’t enough as a base of your relationship. Thus, you will keep struggling and often come to an end. There are some reasons why love isn’t wise as a primary reason to marry someone. A marriage consists of many ingredients. Love won’t be enough if you want to get a happy relationship.

Components of Healthy Marriages

First reason why love doesn’t guarantee healthy marriages is that it’s a changeable emotion. Once you fall in love to someone, you can instantly fall out of love. What do you do when you lose this feeling? It can be either the end of your relationship or an unhappy connection.

In marriage, love can’t be the glue in your relationship. Second, love can’t be a foundation in a marriage as it isn’t everlasting. Love is indeed strong, but it’s vulnerable for many reasons. It can’t withstand a long-term relationship, especially if you have kids.

Healthy marriages require more than mere love. It isn’t all you need in a marriage. All couple needs shared visions, mutual respect, and compatibility. These will be better foundations in your marriage. Next component to make a successful marriage is good communication.

You need to make an improvement in this area. Communication makes a marriage stronger through interactions. You need to make a commitment how to learn better ways expressing feelings and thoughts to your spouse. A constructive communication will make a marriage last longer.

Shared visions and goals are important for healthy marriages. If you don’t have similar goals with your spouse, it seems hard to preserve your relationship as the way it is. Sometimes, your visions change over time due to many reasons and conflicts.

Thus, you should retain your communication quality with your spouse regarding your goals. People stay together as they grow together. A marriage doesn’t work well if one decides to keep growing while the other chooses to be stagnant. In the end, they will be in different place as they have different goals.

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